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Category: Culture

Understanding Code Switching: Is It Authentic?

Code switching is the practice of adjusting one’s speech or writing depending on the circumstances or audience. While some code switching can occur between languages, more often, it arises in variances of dialect or even slang. For instance, imagine a lawyer speaking before a judge. People generally understand that this lawyer would do well to speak formally and politely [...]

2024-09-11T17:29:33-04:00September 11th, 2024|Communication, Culture, Education, English|

Understanding Dual-Language Programs and Their Benefits

Suppose that a young woman from Argentina immigrated with her family to the United States. She has always dreamed of being a psychologist, but upon enrolling in university education to start her training, she discovers that many of the classes (taught in English) are moving at a pace too fast for her to enthusiastically engage with because English is [...]

2025-02-20T13:18:05-05:00September 4th, 2024|Communication, Culture, Education, English, Languages|

Technology – A Double-Edged Sword in Indigenous Languages’ Fight for Survival

Indigenous languages have a precarious existence in contemporary times. Although so many local, vernacular languages have been spoken and transmitted for hundreds of years, most find themselves at the threat of extinction today. The severity of the crisis can be aptly conveyed with this one statistic by the United Nations: an indigenous language goes extinct once every two weeks. [...]

2024-08-28T16:56:49-04:00August 28th, 2024|Communication, Culture, Education, Technology|

How Sports Changed American Language Forever

Whether you’re a native speaker of American English or you’re just starting to pick it up, you’ve likely noticed how common it is to hear references to sports in conversations regardless of whether the conversation was casual, formal, or even business-related. Americans who reference sports in conversations usually do so through the use of idioms – a phrase or [...]

2024-08-21T17:22:02-04:00August 21st, 2024|Communication, Culture, Education, English|

Advantages to Learning a Second Language as An Adult

Can Adults Learn a Second Language? The short answer is yes—adults can (and should!) pick up more than one language. The idea that a student is most receptive to information at a young age, and that the brain hardens against learning new information later, is largely a myth. What actually occurs is that adults leave environments such as schools [...]

2025-02-20T13:19:51-05:00July 24th, 2024|Communication, Culture, Education, English|

Cockney Rhyming Slang

Cockney rhyming slang to the untrained ear, can often sound like a different language altogether – instead of a unique variation of English. To outsiders, at first listen, this bizarre way of speaking may seem as if the speaker is randomly ascribing multiple words or phrases to a single noun or purposely rearranging a sentence beyond all recognition. But [...]

2024-07-17T17:12:01-04:00July 17th, 2024|Culture, Education, English|

Embracing Diversity in Universities: Learning from Brazil’s Affirmative Action Approach

Affirmative action has been a contentious topic in the United States since its widespread introduction in 1965 at the hands of then-president John F. Kennedy. However, the US is not the only nation facing internal conflict about the viability of affirmative action as a policy in the workplace and academia. In 2012, Brazil implemented a nationwide mandate to implement affirmative [...]

Can You Forget Your Native Language?

For most people, learning a new language is a challenging, long-term commitment that requires daily dedication and air-tight focus. When you’re first starting out, you may notice that your train of thought “pauses” as it works to switch from your native language to your new language. As time goes on and you become stronger in your ability to utilize and [...]

2024-06-13T06:33:28-04:00June 12th, 2024|Communication, Culture, Languages|

African American Vernacular English

The rich history of African American Vernacular English has endured and flourished, undoubtedly leaving an indelible mark on America and how it speaks, but AAVE’s origin, core features, and even very existence continue to be debated by professional linguists and everyday people alike. Despite the debate, and at times controversy, over what exactly AAVE is, there is a very [...]

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