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Category: English

Embracing Your Accent

Unless you were presented by Hollywood as the sultry Latina temptress or the debonair Italian suitor, having a thick foreign accent while speaking English has traditionally been depicted as somewhat of a negative. Common stereotypes and tropes for non-native English speakers were the Mexican laborer who talked like Speedy Gonzalez, the always-angry Asian clerk who screamed at customers, and [...]

2023-08-02T13:46:58-04:00August 2nd, 2023|Communication, Culture, Education, English|

Community Language Learning – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

As its name suggests, Community Language Learning (CLL) is all about fostering a sense of community within the classroom and providing a low-stress environment in which language students can learn and grow. The learners have a great deal of autonomy and in fact decide what they want to learn in each class, with the teacher serving more as a [...]

The Languages Spoken by the First Slaves

The linguistic history of enslaved Africans in the United States is a testament to the oppressed people's rich cultural heritage and the resilience of African traditions in the face of the cruelest and most barbaric of conditions. Despite all odds, slaves were able to not only maintain the culture of a wide variety of countries and locales from Eastern, Central, [...]

7 Familiar Words and Expressions We Owe to Shakespeare

Sometimes there is just the perfect word or phrase for a situation. The wittiest of us seem to effortlessly come up with these in real life. Authors and screenwriters are in constant pursuit of them. But when just the right thing is said at the right time, audiences simply know it, and ultimately remember and cherish those words. Such [...]

Total Physical Response – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

An old teaching adage says that no matter what the activity, a student can only pay attention for as many minutes as they are years old. For example, seven-year-olds can pay attention to a single classroom task or exercise for approximately seven minutes. When those seven minutes are up, boredom sets in, their attention drifts, and they start planning [...]

Audio-Lingual Method – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

The audio-lingual method focuses on speaking with the elegance and fluidity of a native speaker, and aims to accomplish this through repetition and concentrated practice. It gained prominence in the '50s and '60s, and is known as the "Army method" because of its implementation by the US Army during WWII. Its strict focus on precise communication made it ideal [...]

2023-06-01T01:41:34-04:00June 1st, 2023|Communication, Education, English|

Language in the World of Aviation

International airports are multilingual and multicultural places by nature, but no matter where you are in the world, you're likely to hear English inside a plane. But this goes past the familiar airline phrases – "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking" and "The seatbelt sign is on," and goes more specifically into the plane's cockpit. All pilots [...]

Tips for Preparing for an Online Interview in Another Language

The company of your dreams emails you to set up an online interview. It’s going to be held in a foreign language, but that’s okay. You've spent your entire life studying, getting job experience, and preparing for this moment that will give you financial freedom, a new career trajectory, and an adventure in a new land. And now you’re [...]

2023-03-23T11:40:31-04:00February 15th, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Work|

Naming Traditions Across Cultures and Languages

“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare’s Juliet famously asked, and the answer depends on what culture you are talking about and what language you are speaking. Our names are uniquely personal and individual identifiers, yet they often represent the lives, aspirations and beliefs of an incredibly large group of people. In some cultures, names are steeped in tradition and passed [...]

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