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Category: Languages

The Silent Way – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

“I don’t teach. I let them learn.” This quote from legendary educator and mathematician Caleb Gattegno encapsulates his educational philosophy of promoting learner independence. Gattegno believed that real teaching could never be accomplished by force-feeding learners material they didn’t understand, and even worse, didn't want to understand. The Silent Way of teaching a foreign language aims to largely mute [...]

2023-11-01T16:47:34-04:00November 1st, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Languages|

What Makes a Language Sound Beautiful?

Raindrops. A crackling fire. Birdsong. There are certain sounds that everyone, no matter what corner of the globe they’re in, likes to hear. We share an appreciation for these sounds as part of our human experience, regardless of culture, religion, or borders. Similarly, one Harvard study proclaimed that music too is a cultural universal, in that there are certain [...]

2023-10-25T17:17:50-04:00October 25th, 2023|Communication, Culture, History, Languages|

Content-Based Language Teaching (CBLT) – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

A common complaint from those who suffered through baffling and boring foreign language classes in high school or college is that they later can’t remember any of it. Despite all the struggles and sometimes years of work, the end result was like they’d really never been in the class at all. At some point in time, they could likely [...]

2023-10-12T16:39:09-04:00October 11th, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Languages|

Task-Based Language Teaching – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

Although most everyone would like to know multiple languages, there's a perfectly good reason most don't ever achieve that goal - learning a new language is exceptionally difficult. Many young people put in years of study as kids and young adults only to later find that whatever basic skills they had once attained in the classroom have evaporated over time. [...]

2023-09-21T17:20:06-04:00September 21st, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Languages|

The Natural Approach – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

Do you remember the day you said your first word? Probably not Although the event may mark a special memory for parents, the young speakers themselves later have no recollection of their first words. We don't start forming long-term memories until we're about two or three years old, which is a shame in this case, as our first few [...]

2023-09-06T20:34:59-04:00September 6th, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Languages|

Suggestopedia – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

As its name suggests, the Suggestopedia foreign language teaching method is all about harnessing the powers of positive suggestion. The methodology believes that a calm, tranquil environment creates a calm, tranquil mind, i.e., one ripe for learning a new language. It aims to give each student's subconscious a nudge towards a determined outcome – language acquisition. Though its intended [...]

2023-10-12T14:08:24-04:00August 15th, 2023|Communication, Education, English, Languages|

Community Language Learning – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

As its name suggests, Community Language Learning (CLL) is all about fostering a sense of community within the classroom and providing a low-stress environment in which language students can learn and grow. The learners have a great deal of autonomy and in fact decide what they want to learn in each class, with the teacher serving more as a [...]

The Silk Road and the Expansion of Knowledge and Language

Nearly every product that reaches our hands these days has already been on an impressive journey around the world. 97% of our clothes are produced abroad, typically in garment factories like those of H&M in Asia or Nike in Brazil. The automobiles made by American companies like Tesla or GM all have parts that originated in countries like China, [...]

7 Familiar Words and Expressions We Owe to Shakespeare

Sometimes there is just the perfect word or phrase for a situation. The wittiest of us seem to effortlessly come up with these in real life. Authors and screenwriters are in constant pursuit of them. But when just the right thing is said at the right time, audiences simply know it, and ultimately remember and cherish those words. Such [...]

Total Physical Response – Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

An old teaching adage says that no matter what the activity, a student can only pay attention for as many minutes as they are years old. For example, seven-year-olds can pay attention to a single classroom task or exercise for approximately seven minutes. When those seven minutes are up, boredom sets in, their attention drifts, and they start planning [...]

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