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Category: Languages

Mapping our Brain’s Language Centers during Awake Brain Surgery

The Remarkable Reality of Awake Brain Surgery Imagine answering questions in one of the five languages you are fluent in or playing your guitar while undergoing brain surgery. As you provide the Armenian word for “puppy” or strum out the tune to a well known pop song, a team of surgeons is meticulously mapping out your brain functions. No, [...]

Language versus Dialect

The debate over what is a language and what is a dialect may seem like a linguistic issue best suited for the halls of academia, but the distinction actually has far-reaching real-world implications that can affect the welfare of millions of people worldwide. Anything as fluid and nebulous as language is difficult to classify, and linguists, researchers, and politicians [...]

The Anatomy of a Joke: How to Write and Translate a Joke

A joke really only has two parts – the set-up (I'm on the new whiskey diet…) and the punchline (I've lost three days already). The punchline is of course the funny bit and comes at the end, though for a longer joke, smaller humorous parts, known as jab lines, can be sprinkled in. If you've ever heard an unfunny [...]

Language Teaching Methodologies and Strategies

As students, many of us took part in some type of foreign language instruction at school, and depending on your age and country, this could have ranged from incomprehensible teacher lectures to singing songs, to intense grammar drilling. In the world of education, second language acquisition philosophies and practices change at a rapid clip, and the new breakthrough methodology [...]

2023-03-15T17:21:16-04:00March 15th, 2023|Communication, Education, Languages|

How Long Does It Take for a Child to Become Literate in Other Languages

From the moment we learn to control our mouths, lungs, and vocal cords as infants, we yearn to speak. As babies, we babble and attempt to copy words, and with no formal instruction at all, we can typically grasp the basics of speaking in under a year and begin to communicate. Neurolinguists have shown that our brain’s superior temporal [...]

Naming Traditions Across Cultures and Languages

“What’s in a name?” Shakespeare’s Juliet famously asked, and the answer depends on what culture you are talking about and what language you are speaking. Our names are uniquely personal and individual identifiers, yet they often represent the lives, aspirations and beliefs of an incredibly large group of people. In some cultures, names are steeped in tradition and passed [...]

High-Context and Low-Context Cultures

Picture this scenario: A young German executive from a semiconductor manufacturer is sent to pitch a proposal to a high-level business partner in Japan. The German executive knows his company’s products are superior, and he spends days preparing different documents, case studies, graphs, etc. as evidence. At the meeting he gives these mountains of handouts to the Japanese businessman, [...]

2023-03-23T11:45:48-04:00February 1st, 2023|Communication, Culture, Languages|

Why Is It Difficult for a Spanish Speaker to Learn English

People make it seem like it’s easy to learn English these days – watch some Marvel movies on Netflix, play around on the Duolingo app, and boom! You’re ready to hit New York City. Except, it never really works like that. The English acquisition process is a long and difficult one, and for learners in Spain and Latin America? [...]

2023-03-23T12:44:46-04:00January 18th, 2023|Education, English, Languages, Latin America, Spain|

Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2023

No matter what your native tongue, adding another language will bring unparalleled benefits to your personal and professional life. The learning process itself improves mental capacity, and knowing multiple languages helps people cross social and cultural boundaries. The professional benefits are equally significant, including more job interviews and higher pay. With benefits like these, it is no wonder that [...]

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