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Category: Mandarin

How to Type in Chinese on a QWERTY Keyboard

One of modern civilization’s most commonly used tools sits just beneath our fingertips, as our keyboards provide us with an arsenal of approximately 80 numbers, letters, and commands, all ready to do our bidding. For those of us who utilize the Roman alphabet (approximately 70% of all major languages), we press these keys in various combinations and assemble the [...]

2023-03-21T11:42:55-04:00March 1st, 2023|Asia, Chinese, Education, Mandarin, Technology|

Top Ten U.S. Universities for a Foreign Language Degree

Learning a foreign language has well-known social and even cognitive benefits, but people often underestimate the professional value of multilingualism. For starters, bilingualism equates to an average of 10-15% higher pay in the US job market. Specialized careers pay even more, but require a high level of language proficiency and possibly a foreign language degree for entry. Types of [...]

2023-02-23T12:29:01-05:00February 23rd, 2023|Education, French, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish|

Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2023

No matter what your native tongue, adding another language will bring unparalleled benefits to your personal and professional life. The learning process itself improves mental capacity, and knowing multiple languages helps people cross social and cultural boundaries. The professional benefits are equally significant, including more job interviews and higher pay. With benefits like these, it is no wonder that [...]

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