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Category: Sociology

How Long Does It Take for a Child to Become Literate in Other Languages

From the moment we learn to control our mouths, lungs, and vocal cords as infants, we yearn to speak. As babies, we babble and attempt to copy words, and with no formal instruction at all, we can typically grasp the basics of speaking in under a year and begin to communicate. Neurolinguists have shown that our brain’s superior temporal [...]

Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2023

No matter what your native tongue, adding another language will bring unparalleled benefits to your personal and professional life. The learning process itself improves mental capacity, and knowing multiple languages helps people cross social and cultural boundaries. The professional benefits are equally significant, including more job interviews and higher pay. With benefits like these, it is no wonder that [...]

Our Fascination With Body Language

Is there a way to know how someone is feeling by simply looking at them? A quick internet search of the words “body language” will produce a slough of articles, books and interviews which claim to reveal hidden mysteries about human body language. Practitioners in this field usually make claims that with proper training, we can either detect clues or [...]

2022-07-11T19:07:28-04:00July 1st, 2022|Languages, Sociology|
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